I would like to welcome Billie Williams to my blogspot as a part of her Blog tour. Please enjoy my spot and the interview she has done for me. Please visit Billie's blog as she has a preview of her novel and many more delicious tidbits to share!
What has been your greatest inspiration for your writing?
The greatest inspiration for my writing would have to be all the great books I have read over the years, as well as the wonderful authors I have met in the various lists and groups I belong to the best of which, I would have to say is, the Word Mage Group. [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Word_Mage] So much so I dedicated my latest book Small Town Secrets to them.
Your life? The greatest inspiration in my life has been my mother and my sisters and brother, and my husband Tom. They have shaped who I am. They have always supported me and my dreams. Our adventures together have been wide and varied, like the shifting sands in a dessert we’ve built some mountains, we’ve worn some away but we always had each other.
What is the most important thing you hope to accomplish in your life?
I guess if I could do anything important it would be to make life a little easier for someone else. To inspire as I have been inspired, to be lifted up as I have been, and to leave a legacy that my children will be proud to say ‘hey, that’s my mom that did that.’
Who was your best mentor?
All my life it was my mother. Since she died in 1996 I’ve had a huge hole in my life that no one could ever fill, but there are people who have become very important to me, Janet Elaine Smith is at the top of that list – if I need a coach or mentor – she is there through thick or thin. But there are others who are there for me that I count also as mentor/friends – Tom, Pee Wee, Joyce, Ron, Gayle, Pat, Babs, Cora, Linda, Laura, Brenda, Veldy(Bradley), Carol. I owe a lot to these tried and true friends as well.
What would be your advice to new writers?
I have gotten so much good advice along the way but in nearly every case I have heard – Read, read widely, read everything even if it isn’t a favorite genre – read everything from cereal boxes (you never know what you can learn from them) read autobiographies for inspiration, read, read, read. And then turn around and write, write, write. Write every day, write through the mud to get to the pearl inside. Write like the wind gusty and wild, peaceful and balmy, strong and steady, in spurts and gusts. But Write every single day – writer’s write wannabies want to have written.

Monday, January 14, 2008
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Nice interview, Billie. Family is very important to me too.
Now, I'll go check out your blog!
Hi Dawn,
I just wanted to comment on your blog- it is so beautiful. Love the colors and the arrangement. I'm delighted to be featured here.
Wow! Billie, thank you so much. I am truly humbled. I have learned many things from you, too, along the way, so it's a two-way street.
You are indeed a true friend and a mentor to many, including me. You have your legacy built. You are now just adding stories on top to keep your skyscraper of words at the top of the list.
Good interview!!
Billie, I can relate to a huge hole when a loved one who is also your inspiration leaves us. My dad was my best friend and motivator and when he passed away in April 2007 it was a shock to the system to say the least.
I close my eyes whenever I miss him and visualize him as he was when I was a young child, hugging, kissing, and encouraging me as always.
They never leave us.
We Word-Mager's love you, too, Billie. And we find you every bit as inspirational and encouraging. Another great interview.
We Word-Mager's love you, too, Billie. And we find you every bit as inspirational and encouraging. Another great interview.
Good interview, Billie. I especially like your advice to new writers.
Kristie Leigh Maguire
Very good questions. Great answers. You're an inspiration to me, my friend. Your books,stories, should shoot right to the top. And I'll bet my bottom dollar they will if not all ready doing so. Don't ever stop writing. You've not only mastered the craft but you are using your God given talent to the fullest.
Pee Wee
You give us credit and you are out inspiration, too. Good interview.
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